Tuesday 15 February 2011

Renewing Philosophy and Karin De Boer

One thing that I haven't done very much of on this blog is promote the series I edit for Palgrave Macmillan, Renewing Philosophy. It has been running now for almost a decade and  a number of significant titles have been published in it. One of the most recent is the work by Karin De Boer On Hegel: The Sway of the Negative which has been treated to a review by George Di Giovanni over at the NDPR. Giovanni, like many reviewers, seems to have a problem with works on classic philosophers being themselves contributions to philosophy rather than merely scholarly commentary or at least that is the tenor of his remarks here. It would also have been helpful if he had read the Series Editor's preface that addresses one of his remarks about French treatments of Hegel. Still it is good to see that such an important scholar as Giovanni reviewed the book and that he can see that it raises a number of substantial questions. To see the full list of books published in the series go here.

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